Introducing Innovate Lend – Our New Finance Brokerage Service
If have any suggestions for how Midas or their staff can do a better job for our clients, please send them to:
Fax 03 9334 2500
Post The Manager: PO Box 440 Tullamarine, Victoria 3043
There is nothing more encouraging than receiving a compliment for a job well done. If you have received exceptional service from any of the expert staff at Midas, please let us know:
Phone 1300 664 272
Fax 03 9334 2500
Post The Manager: PO Box 440 Tullamarine, Victoria 3043
If you would like to register a grievance, we welcome the opportunity to fix the problem. Please contact us:
Phone 1300 664 272
Fax 03 9334 2500
Post The Manager: PO Box 440 Tullamarine, Victoria 3043